Claudia Schiepers

November 30, 2007, 4:24 pm
Filed under: Werk

If you have one of these jobs where you have to go to a lot of meetings and you are sometimes bored in them, here’s a good tip: Play bullshit bingo!

Just go here, and print out a card for you alone or different cards (just refresh) for multiple people and see who wins! I guarantee you that you will be much more attentive to what is being said during the meeting!

November 26, 2007, 6:03 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Last weekend I went out for some good old drinking and dancing with some people I’ve met in London (trust me, I needed the distraction). We were all invited at someone’s place for some pre-club drinks as it was still early. While adjusting my make-up in one of the bedrooms, one of the hosts walked in and said: "Oh, by the way, help yourself to the stuff on the dresser". I was thinking she had some cool lipstick or something over there and being a sucker for MAC products, I went over to the dresser to have a look. At first, I didn’t really register what was going on there, but slowly the credit card, the rolled up bill, the plastic bag and the white powder on the dresser started connecting in my mind.

Now, I’ve never tried a hard drug in my life, including any type of pills that you can think of. I also never ever felt the need to try any of that stuff as I pretty much enjoy myself on most occasions. I don’t need stimulants to be more social, to feel in control or to have a good time. People might even argue that I should maybe take something to behave more and calm me down 🙂

But I couldn’t help being intrigued by what was happening here. This was the first time I have ever been confronted with cocaine this close and have it offered to me by people I consider friends. All of a sudden the phrases I heard earlier like "my tongue is numb" etc, started making a lot more sense. (You will have to excuse me as I am very naive in these things). I watched as some people snorted and some even started licking the inside of the empty bag. (not to miss a grain, I guess). Not one hair on my head was considering trying it as it just doesn’t attract me. But I couldn’t help being intrigued by the whole ritual of it.

After the bag was empty (which was quite fast…), I tried to see if anything changed in the people that had been snorting. And yes, there were some more laughs, but besides that I really couldn’t see any difference. And I’m not even sure the laughs came from the drugs as the drinks could have had something to do with that also (or my incredibly funny jokes, maybe …).

In all honesty, I don’t judge anybody. You do with your live whatever the fuck you want. I, however, can’t understand what drives somebody to rely on some powder to have a good time… But I have never tried it, so who am I to say anything about it. I don’t think I’ll change my mind on this anytime soon though.

New job
November 22, 2007, 3:15 pm
Filed under: Werk

I get a lot of emails for job openings at my company as they come in through the website. Some of them very business like, some of them quite personal, some of them ridiculous and some where the writer hasn’t heard of BCC yet and puts all the companies in the world in the To -field.
Today, I got a mail that started with this gem of a sentence:

"Most respectfully I beg to state that i have come to know that some posts are lying vacant under your kind authority."

It sure made me smile…

I miss them
November 21, 2007, 9:47 pm
Filed under: Claudia

I completely support Pietel’s idea for a Curse-blog. The way I feel today, I could easily contribute enough material for quite some time. I might have done a very, very stupid thing and I don’t know how to make it better. These are the moments I miss my best friends the most. You know, the ones that you can tell everything while crying and making no sense at all for hours. And they will know exactly what you mean through your sobs and say the right thing the whole time… I miss them a lot.

Ground Zero
November 15, 2007, 11:01 pm
Filed under: New York

I’m staying in the Hilton Millenium in New York this week because we have an offsite meeting there. The hotel is across the street from Ground Zero and most rooms have a view on the construction site. As they are working there 24/7, this also means the sound of drills all night long… The view is quite something though, especially at night. Below you can see how the subway entrance on the site is new and open. The rest still looks unimpressive to me…



Rio pictures
November 13, 2007, 9:55 pm
Filed under: Reizen

After a 12 hour trip I’m back in New York after a lovely week in Rio de Janiero. John and Si’s wedding was a lot of fun and I had a great time. The pictures are online here.

I will definitely remember the beach, my visit to a favela (Rocinha), the awesome meat everywhere, the Havaianas, the sungas the men wear on the beaches and one amazing wedding. Sooooo many beautiful flowers everywhere….

These are my favorite pics:

Christ the Redeemer from a favela
Christ the Redeemer, viewed from Rocinha, a favela.

Lovely girl from the favela
A lovely young girl in her family’s house in Rocinha.

The wedding church
The church where John and Si got married.

November 8, 2007, 5:49 pm
Filed under: Reizen

Yes, I made it to Rio! Here’s a first impression. More to follow!


Dreamers and renegades
November 5, 2007, 6:17 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Milow’s new single is out. Check out the video below. Very "poppy" song. I like it and I have a funny feeling it will exceed the success of "you don’t know".
Am not as fond of the video though. I can’t help it, but Isaac E. Gozin’s style just isn’t my thing.

November 5, 2007, 2:47 pm
Filed under: Reizen

Jeez, what a busy last couple of days. With busy I mean, no time or no need to sit in front of any computer. Hence no updates here…

The weekend was fun: A 30th birthday party, fireworks for Guy Fawkes-day (yes, that’s today, but fireworks are more fun in the weekend), some sweet loving and an awesome Halloween party. The theme for that last one was "dead celebraties". I went as Sharon Tate (and I really had some awesome stab wounds, hollywood style!) and I remember seeing George Best (double), Audrey Hepburn, Kurt Cobain, Steve Irwin, Charly Chaplin, Freddy Mercury, Christopher Reeves… even a Mother Theresa. Quite funny 🙂

Tomorrow night, I’m leaving for a short holiday to Rio (yes Brasil!). Mister Baeyens is getting married there on Saturday and I wouldn’t miss it for the world. When will I ever get an excuse to go to Rio again!!! After Rio, it’s straight to New York for a week and weekend of work. So I’ll be away from home for 2 weeks, but hopefully not too busy to give you an update every now and then… Or some cool pics from Posto 9 🙂